SIMCA : optical simulations for coded spectral imaging
SIMCA is a python-based tool designed to perform optical simulations of Coded Aperture Snapshot Spectral Imaging (CASSI) systems. We provide a python package and a graphical user-interface developed in PyQt5.
It is built upon ray-tracing equations and interpolation methods to estimate the image formation process and generate realistic measurements of various cassi instruments.
Available system architectures are:
Available propagation models are:
Higher-Order from [ARW+13]
Ray-tracing (first implementation in [HLCM20], another paper will be submitted soon)
Available optical components and related characteristics are:
Lens (params: focal length)
Prism (params: apex angle, glass type, orientation misalignments)
Grating (params: groove density, orientation misalignments)
More system architectures and optical components will be added in the future.
Main Features
SIMCA includes four main features:
Scene Analysis (only with GUI): for analyzing multi- or hyper-spectral datasets. It includes vizualization of data slices, spectrum analysis, and dataset labeling.
Optical Design: for evaluating and comparing the performances of various optical systems.
Coded Aperture patterns Generation: for generating various patterns and corresponding filtering cubes.
Acquisition Coded Images: for simulating the acquisition process
For more detailed information about each feature and further instructions, please visit our Tutorial - Basics (with GUI) and Tutorial - Advanced (only script).
Indices and tables
SIMCA is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
For any questions or feedback, please contact us at
Henry Arguello, Hoover Rueda, Yuehao Wu, Dennis W. Prather, and Gonzalo R. Arce. Higher-order computational model for coded aperture spectral imaging. Applied Optics, 52(10):D12, mar 2013. doi:10.1364/ao.52.000d12.
M. E. Gehm, R. John, D. J. Brady, R. M. Willett, and T. J. Schulz. Single-shot compressive spectral imaging with a dual-disperser architecture. Optics Express, 15(21):14013, oct 2007. doi:10.1364/oe.15.014013.
Elizabeth Hemsley, Simon Lacroix, Hervé Carfantan, and Antoine Monmayrant. Calibration of programmable spectral imager with dual disperser architecture. Optics Communications, 468:125767, aug 2020. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2020.125767.
Antoine Rouxel. Étude d'un imageur hyperspectral adaptatif dans un contexte d'observation de la terre. Theses, INSA de Toulouse, June 2022. URL:
A. Wagadarikar, T. John, R. Willett, and D. Brady. Single disperser design for coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging. Applied Optics, 47(10):B44–B51, aug 2008. doi:10.1364/ao.47.000b44.