Tutorial - Basics (with GUI)

Discover Main Features

The are 4 main features included in the application. These modules are not completely independent, using them sequentially is recommended for first usages.

  • Dataset Analysis (only with GUI): for analyzing multi- or hyper-spectral datasets. It includes vizualization of data slices, spectrum analysis, and dataset labeling.

  • Optical Design: for evaluating and comparing the performances of various optical systems.

  • Coded Aperture: for generating various patterns and corresponding filtering cubes.

  • Acquisition: for simulating the acquisition process of coded images

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Feature A : Dataset Analysis

The Dataset analysis tab is used to load & display datasets characteristics.

layout dataset tab

1. Settings

Located on the left side of the application window.


  • datasets directorypath to the datasets directory. All datasets be stored here.

    ATTENTION : click on the reload datasets button if you change the datasets directory path

  • dataset name : a ComboBox displaying the datasets available in the selected directory

  • loaded dataset dimensionsThese values are displayed once the dataset is loaded
    • dimension along X : dimension of the dataset in the X direction (main spectral dispersion direction)

    • dimension along Y : dimension of the dataset in the Y direction (perpendicular to spectral dispersion direction)

    • number of spectral bands : number of spectral bands in the loaded dataset

    • minimum wavelength : minimum wavelength, usually corresponds to the spectral band n°0

    • maximum wavelength : maximum wavelength, usually corresponds to the last spectral band

2. Load dataset button

By clicking on this button, the dataset selected in the dataset name ComboBox is loaded by the application.

3. Display windows

Located on the right side of the application window.

Once a dataset is loaded, one can inspect the spatial and spectral content of the dataset.

Hyperspectral cube

By moving the slider, you choose the spectral plane to be displayed.

dataset layout 2

Compare Spectra

dataset layout 2

Labelisation map

dataset layout 2

Labelisation Histogram

dataset layout 2

Feature B : Optical Design

The Optical Design tab is used for quick evaluation of the optical system characteristics (spectral dispersion & distortions).

layout dataset tab

1. System Settings

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Located on the left side of the application window.


  • infos:
    • system name: name of the studied system

  • system architecture: All parameters that define the optical system and thus the spatial/spectral filtering

    • system type

    • propagation type : model used for evaluating the spatial/spectral filtering

    • focal lens F [in micrometers]

    • dispersive element:
      • type: Prism or Grating

      • A (only when prism is selected): apex angle of the prism [in degrees]

      • m (only when grating is selected): considered order of diffraction [no units]

      • G (only when grating is selected): grating lines density [lines/mm]

      • delta alpha c [in degrees]

      • delta beta c [in degrees]

      • wavelength center [in nm]

  • detector: parameters that define the detector grid

  • SLM: parameters that define the mask grid

  • spectral range: the spectral boundaries of the system and the number of spectral bands to consider

2. Run Simulation button

For each considered wavelength, the mask grid points coordinates is propagated onto the detector.

3. Display

Located on the right side of the application window. It can be used to analyse the mask grid object and its images in the detector plane.

Coded aperture grid

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Propagated coded aperture grid

Spectral images of the input coded aperture grid for the minimum, maximum, and center wavelength.

ATTENTION: center wavelength (605 nm on the given example) is different from the system architecture center wavelength

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Distortion maps

Get qualitative and quantitative distortion data:

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Feature C : Pattern generation

The Coded Aperture tab is used for designing patterns and generating associated filtering cube.

Coded Aperture design tab

1. Patterns Settings

Located on the left side of the application window.

The patterns characteristics depend on the chosen pattern type.

Available patterns:

  • slit:only one column of the coded aperture is open (perpendicular to the spectral dispersion), thus generating a spectral gradient type filter.
    • slit position: relative to the center column between -100 and 100 coded aperture elements

    • slit width: between 1 and 30 coded aperture elements.

  • random: random noise pattern with a normal law

  • blue noise: random noise pattern with boosted high frequencies

  • custon h5 pattern: custom pattern that should be a h5 file with a container named “pattern”. Once loaded, the pattern is cropped to fit SLM dimensions

2. Generate pattern

By clicking on this button, a 2D array representing a coded aperture pattern is generated through pattern generation functions contained in the functions_patterns_generation.py file.

3. Generate Filtering Cube button

By clicking on this button, a CassiSystem instance is creating the filtering cube corresponding to the detector dimensions along X and Y and the number of spectral bands.

Each slice of the filtering contains the projection of the coded aperture pattern on the detector grid.

ATTENTION : The spectral sampling of the filtering cube is not the same as the dataset’s sampling. It is defined in the spectral range section of the Optical Design tab. The wavelengths are equally spaced between “minimum wavelength” and “maximum wavelength”.

4. Display Pattern and Filtering Cube

Located on the right side of the application window.


Shows the generated (or loaded) pattern:


Filtering Cube, slice by slice

Shows the corresponding filtering cube. By moving the slider, one can inspect the filtering cube slice by slice:

filtering cube

Feature D : Acquisition

The Acquisition tab is used to generate compressed measurements given: a dataset and a filtering cube.

Note that the dataset is:

  • cropped in the spatial dimensions to fit the filtering cube sampling (detector dimensions).

  • interpolated in the spectral dimension according to the filtering cube sampling.

layout scene tab

1. Settings

For now, the GUI only includes one mode: single acquisition.

A Point-spread-function (PSF) can be added for more realism. For now, each slice of the filtered scene is convolved by the same kernel. A wavelength-dependent PSF will be added in the future.

2. Run Acquisition button

By clicking on this button:

  • First, the dataset cube is cropped in the spatial dimensions and interpolated in the spectral dimension.

  • Second, a point by point multiplication is performed between the filtering cube and the reinterpolated scene.

3. Display measurements

compressed measurements

The image as measured by the detector.

layout scene tab

Spectral images

Each slice of the filtered scene.

layout scene tab

Panchromatic image

No spatial/spectral filtering, the interpolated scene is simply summed along its spectral dimension.

layout scene tab