.. simca documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Aug 4 17:05:16 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. SIMCA : optical simulations for coded spectral imaging ======================================================= .. image:: ./resources/SIMCA_logo-2-cropped.png SIMCA is a python-based tool designed to perform optical simulations of Coded Aperture Snapshot Spectral Imaging (CASSI) systems. We provide a python package and a graphical user-interface developed in PyQt5. It is built upon ray-tracing equations and interpolation methods to estimate the image formation process and generate realistic measurements of various cassi instruments. Available **system architectures** are: - Single-Disperser CASSI (:cite:`Wagadarikar2008`) - Double-Disperser CASSI (:cite:`Gehm2007`) Available **propagation models** are: - Higher-Order from :cite:`Arguello2013` - Ray-tracing (first implementation in :cite:`Hemsley2020a`, another paper will be submitted soon) Available **optical components** and related characteristics are: - Lens (params: focal length) - Prism (params: apex angle, glass type, orientation misalignments) - Grating (params: groove density, orientation misalignments) More system architectures and optical components will be added in the future. Main Features ============= SIMCA includes four main features: - **Scene Analysis** (only with GUI): for analyzing multi- or hyper-spectral datasets. It includes vizualization of data slices, spectrum analysis, and dataset labeling. - **Optical Design**: for evaluating and comparing the performances of various optical systems. - **Coded Aperture patterns Generation**: for generating various patterns and corresponding filtering cubes. - **Acquisition Coded Images**: for simulating the acquisition process For more detailed information about each feature and further instructions, please visit our `Tutorial - Basics (with GUI) `_ and `Tutorial - Advanced (only script) `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: getting_started Tutorial_with_GUI Tutorial_advanced simca Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` License ======= SIMCA is licensed under the `GNU General Public License `_. Contact ======= For any questions or feedback, please contact us at arouxel@laas.fr References ========== .. bibliography:: ./resources/biblio.bib